Benefits of Water in Acne

Beautiful flawless skin is top most on everyone’s wish list. People go to great lengths to look after their skin – from monthly visits to cosmetologists, to popping vitamins daily, to buying expensive creams and sunscreens, and staying indoors to avoid the sun.

While people of all age groups look after their skin, teenagers are the most cautious. Ask any teenager what is their biggest nightmare, and the answer will almost always be ACNE or PIMPLES.

And, rightly so. Today, acne is the 8th most common skin problem worldwide. A WHO study done 5 years back showed that 650 million teenagers worldwide suffer from acne at some point in their teens.

No wonder, it is the biggest nightmare for college going teens. Even a single pimple or blemish before an important presentation or social event in college can be distressing for teenagers. With the number of “selfies” we post on social media websites nowadays, a clear flawless skin has become everyone’s top priority.


Goodness of Water in Acne

There are several causes of acne – hormonal imbalance, oily skin, poor personal hygiene, poor diet and bacteria. And treatments options for acne are plenty. From topical creams and ointments, light therapies, chemical peels – to natural holistic treatments like Homoeopathy, yoga and dietary changes.

However, a very important and oft overlooked solution for acne is water. When our body is dehydrated our skin is the first place to get affected as our body is about 70% water. Skin is the largest organ of elimination, and one of its primary functions is to flush out toxins and metabolic wastes through sweating. Without adequate hydration, these toxins can get trapped within our skin leading to pimples or acne. Hence, increasing the amount of water we drink everyday is a great way of flushing out those toxins. Water not only helps to hydrate our skin, it also cleans our system and keeps our skin clean and clear.

Water is a great natural cure for acne and works wonderfully in cases of mild acne. However, moderate to severe acne will require more rigorous treatment.

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