To ensure that all the users are comfortable with each other, certain guidelines have to be observed.
The user of ‘Live Your Passion’ agrees to these guidelines and commits to comply with them failing to which ‘Live Your Passion’ team reserves the right to disapprove submitted comments with or without notice and may also be removed as a user of the website at sole discretion of the ‘Live Your Passion’ team. Post the conditions having met as per guidelines the comments shall go live in one day post your submission.
Polite and Respectfully: The basis is an open, constructive and friendly exchange. Criticism is always objectively expressed. Respect the personality and opinion of other users. Exercise caution with about sarcasm and irony. Remember that mimic and stress are lost online!
No religion and politics: No question, politics always plays a role in money. Political statements that have nothing to do with money. Same with religion, we do not hurt anyone’s religious beliefs/sentiments directly or indirectly.
On spelling: Look for the spelling, check your text before sending it.
On copyrights: The same also applies to content that violates the privacy of third parties. Quotations or copied phrases from the Internet are to be deposited with a source reference! This also applies to short links, whose real goal for the reader is not recognizable.
No third party data: Third-party data has nothing to do with the LIVEYOURPASSION website. You will not find it nice if someone publishes your data without permission, therefore, please treat others information like that.
Deletion of contributions or exclusion from the community is considered necessary if a user scolded or offended the other users.
The website is abused because of the loyalty program, contests ,articles , events, free vouchers and offers.
Political opinions which are contrary to current law of the Government of INDIA. These include: illegal content, hateful, racist, obscene, pornographic or discriminatory utterances and false, fraudulent, misleading or other dubious content that is not in the sense of an open and fair dialogue shall not be published.
The goods and services of third parties are offered. The same applies to the fraudulent use as advertising space for websites and services.
No personal or identifying information about user, user’s family, or user’s friends. Don’t give out last names, school name, phone numbers, user names, or places and dates you can be identified with.
The suspicion exists that a person has created several registrations.
These guidelines are not intended to restrict any user , but help all the users to have a better relationship with each other just as in normal everyday life.
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Start your journey with us!